If you’re on your way to starting your own business, you should consider hiring a business formation lawyer. Although it’s possible to do it yourself, having competent legal advice is never a bad idea. A good business lawyer will help you position yourself...
Your business may be classified as small, but it’s everything to you! You have poured yourself into it and know it inside and out. And while you may be an expert in your business field, chances are you may not be an expert in the law. That’s why having an...
Deciding to throw your hat into the real estate development ring means you will soon be juggling several things on your to-do list and putting out fires. Whether you are looking to renovate an existing property or start from scratch and create a unique branding...
You’ve seen the writing on the walls for weeks. People on the management team disappear into mysterious closed-door meetings for hours at a time. You’ve been asked to compile data about company costs and employee usage rates. There’s been a general sense of...
One of the most important things to remember about protecting your business from a potential lawsuit is remembering that there is no way to protect yourself from everything. In this day and age, anybody can file a lawsuit for any reason. The merit of the lawsuit can...
The De Bruin Law Firm represents many various types of businesses, in industries including software, construction, national and international manufacturers, real estate, national and international distributors, and local startups. We represent these companies in the...
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