Apr 20, 2021 | Real Estate, Resources
Buying a home is a big investment and one that takes careful planning and organization. You want to be sure you are buying the best home for your money. It’s the reason you hire a real estate agent to guide you through the home search process. It’s the...
Apr 13, 2021 | Estate Planning, Resources
Estate planning is a process that many people often find stressful. This is true even for those who have dealt with this type of situation before. We’ve put together a short estate planning checklist to help streamline your obligations. Let’s explore everything you...
Apr 9, 2021 | Business Law, Resources
Your business may be classified as small, but it’s everything to you! You have poured yourself into it and know it inside and out. And while you may be an expert in your business field, chances are you may not be an expert in the law. That’s why having an...
Apr 6, 2021 | DUI Defense, Resources
Police charge more than 4 million Americans for DUIs each year. DUI charges are unfortunately common and have lasting life impacts. But how long does a DUI stay on your record? What other information should you know before moving forward? In this article, we’ll...
Mar 30, 2021 | Real Estate, Resources
So, you’ve finally found your dream home, and you’ve entered into an agreement with the seller. Congratulations! With the end in sight, now may seem like the perfect time to rest and unwind after the hard work of your real estate search—but not so fast. There’s a...
Mar 25, 2021 | Real Estate, Resources
Buying a home is a big investment and one that takes careful planning and organization. You want to be sure you are buying the best home for your money. It’s the reason you hire a real estate agent to guide you through the home search process. It’s the...