Dec 22, 2019 | Criminal Law, DUI Defense
Did you know that every year, about 1.5 million people are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol? Are you one of these 1.5 million people who have recently been arrested for drunk driving? If so, you’re probably scared and wondering what you...
Dec 22, 2019 | Business Law
You’ve seen the writing on the walls for weeks. People on the management team disappear into mysterious closed-door meetings for hours at a time. You’ve been asked to compile data about company costs and employee usage rates. There’s been a general sense of...
Dec 22, 2019 | Real Estate
Buying a house is exciting and in 2018, more than 5.34 million people closed on new homes. But there’s more to buying a house than getting a mortgage and taking possession of the keys. You have to close on the property. The closing process helps ensure that...
Nov 4, 2019 | Business Law
One of the most important things to remember about protecting your business from a potential lawsuit is remembering that there is no way to protect yourself from everything. In this day and age, anybody can file a lawsuit for any reason. The merit of the lawsuit can...
Nov 4, 2019 | Business Law
The De Bruin Law Firm represents many various types of businesses, in industries including software, construction, national and international manufacturers, real estate, national and international distributors, and local startups. We represent these companies in the...
Nov 4, 2019 | Business Law
We commonly represent business law clients in South Carolina, dealing with technology and software development, manufacturing, professional services, and a multitude of other industries . A portion of our clients are bootstrap startup companies that are trying to grow...
Oct 31, 2019 | Business Law, Real Estate
Our Firm handles traditional purchases of real estate, including both residential and commercial properties. We also handle refinancing of loans and mortgages, home equity lines of credit, and mobile home sales and de-titles. Additionally, we handle quitclaim deeds...
Oct 31, 2019 | Real Estate
We will not accept any funds at the closing over $5,000. If it’s under $5,000, we will only accept a bank certified check. We require funds to be wired at least 48 hours prior to closing, or, if they would like, we can deposit their personal check into our escrow...
Oct 31, 2019 | Business Law
The first issue to address when you buy an existing business is the role of the seller in your new business. If the seller is going to become an employee, you will need to discuss the role of that seller as the employee is going forward. Having someone who is a...
Oct 31, 2019 | Real Estate
If you are working with a realtor, a real estate agent, or a real estate company, we want you to stay with them through all the things leading up to when you make an offer on a house or when you put your home on the market. Your real estate agent is the professional...