Apr 23, 2019 | Criminal Law, DUI Defense
How much did those last few drinks before your DUI cost you? $5? $10? Maybe a pricy craft cocktail for $15? What if we told you that those drinks actually will cost you thousands of dollars if you get a DUI? The obvious dangers of drinking and driving are hurting...
Dec 23, 2018 | Criminal Law, DUI Defense, Resources
1.6 million people across the United States are disciplined for a DUI every year. While the circumstances surrounding each of those cases vary, the consequences people face are similarly grave. Steep fines, license suspension, community service time, lengthy jail...
Sep 18, 2018 | Criminal Law, DUI Defense
Driving under the influence is a crime in every state, but not all cases end in a conviction. Hiring a DUI lawyer is your first step toward avoiding jail time and exorbitant fines, and having a DUI on your permanent record. Don’t make the mistake of hiring...
Aug 3, 2018 | Criminal Law, DUI Defense
South Carolina is one of the states you’re more likely to get arrested for a DUI in, with arrests topping off at more than 50 in 10,000 drivers. With DUI arrests so common, you might need to know how to get an attorney on the double. The quality of your attorney...
Nov 26, 2017 | DUI Defense
If you are driving home from a sports bar or gathering of friends after a night of drinking, the sudden reflection of red flashing lights in the rearview mirror can be alarming. While this scenario offers the potential of severe penalties and a murky future, a...
Nov 23, 2017 | Criminal Law, DUI Defense
South Carolina has tough DUI laws that carry harsh penalties and potentially devastating long-term consequences. When you are arrested for an alcohol-related driving offense, the precise charges that you face will depend on your unique circumstances. Some of the...