Jun 1, 2021 | Criminal Law, Resources
Each day in the United States, around 28 people die in drunk-driving crashes. These accidents are completely preventable which is why driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense. Getting a DUI can impact your life in many ways. You may be wondering,...
Apr 6, 2021 | DUI Defense, Resources
Police charge more than 4 million Americans for DUIs each year. DUI charges are unfortunately common and have lasting life impacts. But how long does a DUI stay on your record? What other information should you know before moving forward? In this article, we’ll...
Jul 2, 2019 | Criminal Law, DUI Defense, Resources
When you’re arrested for drunken driving in South Carolina, there are several things that are going to happen that will cost you money. These include court appearances, fines, and fees. And these are just the main expenses if you’re a convicted drunk...
Nov 26, 2017 | DUI Defense
If you are driving home from a sports bar or gathering of friends after a night of drinking, the sudden reflection of red flashing lights in the rearview mirror can be alarming. While this scenario offers the potential of severe penalties and a murky future, a...
Nov 23, 2017 | Criminal Law, DUI Defense
South Carolina has tough DUI laws that carry harsh penalties and potentially devastating long-term consequences. When you are arrested for an alcohol-related driving offense, the precise charges that you face will depend on your unique circumstances. Some of the...