Title Insurance What is title insurance? Title insurance provides homeowners and lenders with protection from claims made against a piece of property. Imagine this scenario: you purchase a home. You paid the cost of the house, and have moved in with your family. One...
Real Estate Investors Legal Services for Real Estate Investors Purchasing real estate is a complex transaction. From finding the right property to obtaining financing with the bank, a real estate transaction requires multiple steps before the deal can be completed....
Agents and Brokers Getting Over the Final Hurdle For real estate agents and mortgage brokers the closing is the final hurdle when helping their clients purchase or sell their home. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Real estate transactions are not only major purchases or sales...
Quiet Title Actions Quiet Title Action When it comes to sales of real estate, the status of the title to the property is extremely important. There are many different situations where the question of who owns a piece of property might not be as clear cut as you would...
Commercial Real Estate Effective legal counsel starts here. The De Bruin Law Firm represents banks, mortgage companies, and individuals in real estate closings for single family homes, as well as multi-site properties, including hotels, motels, factories, and other...
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