Whether you are planning your estate or you are the executor of someone else’s estate, it is crucial that you understand the difference between probate and nonprobate assets. Nonprobate assets are essentially assets that do not have to go through probate upon the...
You may not have discussed inheritance with your children yet, but it is an important conversation to have. Most families prefer to avoid conversations about this issue because it requires acknowledging the inevitability of death. However, by discussing these issues...
Your circumstances and those of your family will change over time – in fact, it would be odd if your situation and circumstances did not change. A new job or loss of a job, a divorce, a new child – all of these things require adjustments in your family’s budget, your...
Parents who set out to create an estate plan to provide for their children’s care and welfare following the parents’ deaths have two main choices in estate planning schemes: using a will alone or a will in combination with a trust. In times past most parents would...
Most people grow up hearing about trust fund babies or thinking that a trust is only for individuals who are rich. This is simply not the case. Establishing trusts can benefit many different people during life and after passing. The way a trust is established can...
Making the decision to start estate planning by creating a Will is a very personal decision. Along with it being a personal decision it should also be a timely decision. No one wants to think about what could happen in the future. We’re all going to live to be 100...
Curabitur porta lectus magna, eget maximus erat commodo eu. Integer scelerisque mattis posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque eu magna ut tellus eleifend vestibulum.