Apr 28, 2016 | Estate Planning
In their twenties and thirties, the last thing most people are thinking about are what will happen to their assets after they pass away. However, it’s never too early to think about estate planning, even if you don’t feel like you have much of an estate to plan at...
Apr 16, 2016 | Estate Planning
Transferring property when its held jointly can come with certain complications. Joint ownership is a term that arises when more than one person owns property. And, ultimately, it can be used as a simple and cost-effective way to transfer property after death. For...
Apr 16, 2016 | Estate Planning
A trust is a versatile estate planning document that can be used in many different ways and for many different reasons. One benefit of a trust is that it can provide instructions for how money or assets are to be distributed. There are numerous possibilities for using...
Mar 16, 2016 | Estate Planning
There are a lot of misconceptions about what happens if you die without a Will. Many people think the state will take your property. While this can and does happen in rare instances, the state has a system for passing your assets to your next-of-kin. This system is...
Mar 16, 2016 | Estate Planning
An increasingly popular way of handling probate issues is to create a living trust. A living trust helps bypass probate proceedings in court and can also help mitigate tax liability. There are two types of living trusts: revocable and irrevocable. A revocable trust...
Mar 16, 2016 | Estate Planning
Failing to plan is planning to fail. While death is an unpleasant subject, it is important to have a plan for your assets after you pass away. Many people wonder if they really need a will and what will happen if they die without one. If you die without a will, your...