There are a number of expenses involved with buying or selling a piece of property. There’s the new mortgage, taxes, and insurance; the cost of making any necessary repairs to the property to prepare it for sale; realtor fees; and a variety of other expenses. In...
At The De Bruin Law Firm, we are experienced and knowledgeable real estate attorneys. We often help our clients when they are buying a home to ensure that the closing process goes as smoothly as possible. One aspect of what we do as real estate closing attorneys is...
Liens are designed for lenders to ensure that home buyers are more likely to make payments in a timely manner and do not default on them. If a debtor fails to pay the lender, the lender may sue the debtor, resulting in a lien on the property. If the homeowner should...
When you buy a home for the first time, you may feel overwhelmed by the process. Though this is an exciting time, there are also many different steps and factors to consider along the way. Fortunately, you have resources at your disposal that can help your real estate...
Buying a new home is an exciting but overwhelming process. There are many aspects of homeownership you must learn, and navigating all of the legal requirements may be a struggle for you. If you are buying a home, you may find a real estate attorney helpful. At The De...
Whether you are buying or selling real estate, it is important to have an attorney for your real estate closing. A real estate attorney ensures that everyone understands the complex legal process that real estate closings are, and that everything is above board. In...
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